1. Introduction
All around the world, there were 1157 recorded species belonging to the genera [1] . The identity of Alloclubionoides paikwunensis (Kim and Jung, 1993) is clarified by examination of type specimen and the female of the species is redescribed with additional collections and illustrated. Alloclubionoides soleasp. nov. from the Dadohaehaesang Marine National Park, southern Korea is described with detailed illustrations, leg spination, trichobothrium patterns and scanning electron micrographs [2] . During the spider fauna, PyeongchangGun, one new species Alloclubionoides persona is found new to science. A detailed description of this new species is given in the present paper. All the measurements are given in mm.
In the present paper, the author would like to describe a new species of the Genus Alloclubionoides: Alloclubionoides personan. sp. The type of new species is deposited in the collection of Joo-Pil Spider Musum, Namyangju-Si, Kyunggi-Do.
Seventeen species of the Genus Alloclubionoides have been reported from Korea [3] - [5] .
Family: Agelenidae C. L. Koch, 1837.
Genus: Alloclubionoides Paik, 1992.
1. Alloclubionoides bifidus (Paik, 1976).
2. Alloclubionoides cochlea (Kim, Lee & Kwon, 2007) [6] . Ambanus cochlea Kim, Lee & Kwon, 2007, p. 329, Figures 1-24.
3. Alloclubionoides coreanus Paik, 1992. A. coreanus Paik, 1992: Kim & Lee, 2006, p. 1433, Figures 4(A)-(J), Figure 5(A) and Figure 5 (B), Figures 6(A)-(J), Figure 7(B), Figures 8(C)-(F), Figure 9(C) and Figure 9(D) [7] .
4. Alloclubionoides dimidiatus (Paik, 1974). A. dimidiatus (Paik, 1974): Kim & Lee, 2008, p. 66.
5. Alloclubionoides euini (Paik, 1976). A. euini (Paik, 1976): Kim, 2007, p. 704, Figures 1(A)-(J), Figures 2(A)-(H), Figure 3(A) and Figure 3(B), Figures 7(A)-(C).
6. Alloclubionoides jaegeri (Kim, 2007). AmbanusjaegeriKim, 2007, p. 711, Figures 4(A)-(J), Figures 5(A)-(H), Figure 6(A) and Figure 6(B), Figures 7(D)-(F).
7. Alloclubionoides jirisanensis Kim, 2009. A. jirisanensis Kim, 2009, p. 2931, Figures 3(A)-(I), Figure 4(C) and Figure 4(D) (description of male) [8] .
8. Alloclubionoides kayasanensis (Paik 1972) [=Ambanus kayasanensis (Paik 1972) = Coelotes kayasanensis] Agelenidae C. L. Koch, 1837.
9. Alloclubionoides kimi (Paik, 1974). A. kimi (Paik, 1974): Kim & Lee, 2008a, p. 66. Figures 1-9 (description of female) [9] .
10. Alloclubionoides lunatus (Paik, 1976). A. lunatus (Paik, 1976): Kim & Lee, 2006, p. 142, Figures 1(A)-(J), Figure 2(A) and Figure 2(B), Figures 3(A)-(J), Figure 7(A), Figure 8(A) and Figure 8(B), Figure 9(A), Figure 9(B), Figure 9(E) and Figure 9(F) (description of male).
11. Alloclubionoides ovatus (Paik, 1974). A. ovatus (Paik, 1976): Kim & Lee, 2008, p. 143, Figures 1(A)-(I) (description of male) [10] .
12. Alloclubionoides paikwunensis (Kim & Jung, 1993).
13. Alloclubionoides quadrativulvus (Paik, 1974).
14. Alloclubionoides terdecimus (Paik, 1978).
15. Alloclubionoides wolchulsanensis (Kim, 2009). A. wolchulsanensis Kim, 2009, p. 2926, Figures 1(A)-(I), Figures 2(A)-(H), Figure 4(A) and Figure 4(B) [8] .
16. Alloclubionoides boryeungensis (Kim & Ye, 2013) (Kim & Kim, 2012) [11] [12] .
17. Alloclubionoides woljeongensis (Kim & Ye, 2014) (Song, 1999) [13] [14] .
2. Description
Alloclubionoides persona sp. nov. (Figure 1 and Figure 2).
Abbreviations used: AER = anterior eye row; AL = abdomen length; ALE = anterior lateral eye; AME = anterior median eye; AME-AME = interval between AMEs; AME-ALE = interval between AME and ALE; AW = abdomen width; CL = carapace length; CW = carapace width; CHL = chelicera length; CHW = chelicera width; El = endite length; EW = endite width; LL = labium length; LW = labium width; LF = leg fomula; LFI = leg fomula index; MOQ = median ocular quadrangle; MOQL = MOQ length; MOQAW = MOQ anterior width; MOQPW = MOQ posterior width; SL = sternum length; SW = sternum width; PER = posterior eye row; PLE = posterior lateral eye; PME = posterior median eye; PME-PME = interval between PMEs; PME-PLE = interval between PME and PLE, TL = total length.
Material examined: Holotype ♀, Dongsan-Ri, Jinbu-Myeon, Pyeongchang-Gun, Kangwon-Do (37˚43'59.06''N, 128˚35'43.32''E) Jun 6th, 2013, leg. Seong-Hun, Ye.
Measurement (mm)
Female (Holotype) TL: 8.47, CL: 4.60, CW: 2.42, AL: 3.87, AW: 2.34, AME: 0.03, ALE: 0.04, AME-AME: 0.15, AME-ALE: 0.17, PME: 0.08, PLE: 0.07, PME-PME: 0.24, PME-PLE: 0.30, MOQL: 0.22, MOQAW: 0.15, MOQPW: 0.24, AER: 0.64, PER: 0.85, EL: 1.00, EW: 0.58, LL: 0.69, LW: 0.52, SL: 1.84, SW: 1.58, CHL: 1.75, CHW: 0.79. Leg I: 9.94, Leg II: 9.10, Leg III: 8.54, Leg IV: 11.48, LF: 4:1:2:3, LFI: 100:92:86:116.
Female: Body length is 8.47 mm with Carapace in light brown, longer than the width. The carapace index is 53, with arched head shape in the sagittal plane. The carapace has median grooves with radial brownish furrow. Cephalic area of carapace raised globular dome. Sternum is uniformly brownish yellow. All eyes are black and yellow, with MOQ longer than width, and MOQAW shorter than MOQPW. Interval of PER is wider than AER.
Interval of AME-AME and AME-ALE are nearly the same. Interval of PME-PLE and PME-PME are also nearly the same. AER is recurved and PER is procurved a little bit. Eye sizes are: AME < ALE < PLE < PME (3:4:7:8). Chelicerae are dark brown, robust and quite strongly extended. Endite is longer than width. Labium is longer than width a litter bit. Sternum is hearted-shaped, and the end of sternum is acute. Legs are yellowish brown with leg formula, 4, 1, 2, 3. Abdomen is elongated ovoid, sparsely and uniformly clothed with bright gray and short hairs in dorsum; the venter uniformly clothed with gray and short hairs also.
Diagnosis: This new species is small and bright brown color especially. Present new species is clearly distinguished from all previously described species by the structure of epigyne [15] [16] .
Inhabitation: This species lives at Mt. odaesan in Kangwon-Do of Korea.
(a) (b) (c)(d) (e) (f)(g) (h) (i) (j)(k) (l) (m) (n)(o) (p) (q) (r)(s) (t) (u) (v)
Figure 2. Alloclubionoidespersona sp. nov., holotype female from Mt Odaesan, Korea. (a) Genitalia, ventral view; (b) genitalia, dorsal view; (c) habitus,dorsal view; (d) epigynum, ventral view; (e) genitalia, ventral view; (f) genitalia, dorsal view; (g)-(j) setaeon femur, I - IV; (k)-(n) setae ontibia, I - IV; (o)-(r) setaeon metatarsus, I - IV; (s)-(v) setaeon tarsus, I - IV. I - II: Dorsal view. III - IV: Ventral view. Scales for (a), (b), (d) and (f) = 0.5 mm; (c) = 5.0 mm; (g)-(v) = 1.0 mm.
Etymology: This name persona refers to the epigyne which is likely to the mask of some African.
Distribution: Korea.
*Corresponding author.