DarcyTools: A Computer Code for Hydrogeological Analysis of Nuclear Waste Repositories in Fractured Rock


A computer code for simulation of groundwater flow and transport is described. Both porous and fractured media are handled by the code. The main intended application is the analysis of a deep repository for nuclear waste and for this reason flow and transport in a sparsely fractured rock is in focus. The mathematical and numerical models are described in some detail. In short, one may say that the code is based on the traditional conservation and state laws, but also embodies a number of submodels (subgrid processes, permafrost, etc). An unstructured Cartesian grid and a finite volume approach are the key elements in the discretization of the basic equations. A multigrid solver is part of the code as well as a parallelization option based on the SPMD (Single-Program Multiple-Data) method. The main application areas are summarized and an application to a deep repository is discussed in some more detail.

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Svensson, U. and Ferry, M. (2014) DarcyTools: A Computer Code for Hydrogeological Analysis of Nuclear Waste Repositories in Fractured Rock. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 2, 365-383. doi: 10.4236/jamp.2014.26044.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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