PID-Type Fuzzy Controller for Grid-Supporting Inverter of Battery in Embedded Small Variable Speed Wind Turbine


Frequency and voltage of embedded variable speed wind turbine (VSWT) driving a permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) is strongly affected by wind speed fluctuations. In practice, power imbalance between supply and demand is also common, especially when VSWT-PMSG is connected to a weak micro grid (MG). If load demand fluctuations become high, isolated MG may be unable to stabilize the frequency and voltage so that battery storage needs to be installed into the MG to adjust energy supply and demand. To allow flexible control of active and reactive power flow from/to battery storage, grid-supporting inverters are used. For a system that contains highly nonlinear components, the use of conventional linear proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers may cause system performance deterioration. Additionally, these controllers show slow, oscillating responses, and complex equations are required to obtain optimum responses in other controllers. To cope with these limitations, this paper proposes PID-type fuzzy controller (PIDfc) design to control grid-supporting inverter of battery. To ensure safe battery operating limits, we also propose a new controller scheme called intelligent battery protection (IBP). This IBP is integrated into PIDfc. Several simulation tests are performed to verify the scheme’s effectiveness. The results show that the proposed PIDfc controller exhibits improved performance and acceptable responses, and can be used instead of conventional controllers.

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Ronilaya, F. , Miyauchi, H. and Kurniawan, A. (2014) PID-Type Fuzzy Controller for Grid-Supporting Inverter of Battery in Embedded Small Variable Speed Wind Turbine. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 2, 151-160. doi: 10.4236/jpee.2014.24022.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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