Evaluation of Distance Education through Blended Learning: Comparisons and Important Factors for the Learning Process ()
Evaluation is a complex issue with significant
importance for the qualification of institutions and college education
programs. In distance education, quality assessment is even more complex and
important as the differences in space and time between professors and students
have an impact on the learning process. A blended learning environment is one that
combines distance education and face-to-face classroom instruction, and whose
courses are an ideal environment for comparison with the conventional method.
In this respect, this paper conducts an evaluation of blended learning through
which students assess some aspects related to the development of courses and to
the learning outcomes. The evaluation revealed that, in general, students
considered that the face-to-face classroom contact facilitated learning and
that the professor’s planning and commitment are key factors in distance
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Bertolin, J. and Marchi, A. (2014) Evaluation of Distance Education through Blended Learning: Comparisons and Important Factors for the Learning Process.
Creative Education,
5, 70-74. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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