Look Ma, We’re Still Theorizing: The Continued Search for Theoretical Integration


In this paper, we explore the often-fractured attempt at theoretical integration within contemporary sociological thought. Theoretical integration was a goal of the early pioneers of sociology but has since been discounted by many as unattainable idealistic vision. We challenge this virtually universal assessment. The belief that theoretical integration is beyond grasp has been owed to a number of debates within contemporary sociological thought, including but not limited to, those surrounding human nature and rationality. We conclude our paper with a proposal for a new direction forward and a hopeful starting place for a promising integrated sociological perspective.

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Waggoner, K. & Roark, E. (2014). Look Ma, We’re Still Theorizing: The Continued Search for Theoretical Integration. Sociology Mind, 4, 61-73. doi: 10.4236/sm.2014.41009.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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