Lesson Planning in Primary School Using Lesson Study and Open Approach ()
Alisa Moonsri,
Auijit Pattanajak
Center for Research in Mathematics Education, Faculty of Education,
Khon Kaen University, Khonkaen, Thailand.
Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University, Khonkaen, Thailand.
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2013.412155
Lesson plans are generally written in a way
that helps teachers to layout and run classroom activities. Many researchers
have examined how teachers go about planning. This clearly shows that
instructional plans play a central role in teaching and creating effective
learning environments (Clark & Dunn, 1991; Reiser & Dick, 1996;
Shauelson, 1983 cited in Koszalka et al., 1999). In context of school using
lesson study and open approach followed conception of Inprasitha (2010), the
importance of lesson study processes is collaborative lesson planning. After
that the teachers who participate in lesson study group use these lesson plans
in the classroom, observe and collect students’ thought and learning processes.
And in planning the lessons use problems that students encounter in everyday
life, so as to stimulate students to work to achieve the objective (Fernandez &
Yoshida, 2004). The data were collected by video and audio
recording while the target group were planning and teaching the lessons in
lesson study process, then were transcribed to the protocol and
analyzed by using theoretical framework of Stigler and Hiebert (1999). The
research revealed that the target group discussed during the lesson planning
process detailing about exact words, problem situations, materials, the
anticipated solutions, students’ thoughts and responses, time used in each part
of the lesson, and how to summarize the lesson. In the lesson planning, the
exact words used in the problem situations were mostly mentioned. Moreover, in lesson
planning, the issue of details of introduction design was discussed a lot.
There were some issues which were not discussed during the teachers-included
designing of the lesson plan. However, they were discussed while the teacher
was using the lesson plan in class during instructional management.
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Moonsri, A. and Pattanajak, A. (2013) Lesson Planning in Primary School Using Lesson Study and Open Approach.
4, 1064-1068. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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