Establishing a Different Dimension of Citizen Security: The Case for Special Protection for Whistleblowers


The notion of citizens’ security has usually been viewed primarily as a binary relationship between the State and the citizen in a Rousseauesque interpretation. This article argues for a broader conception of citizens’ security focussing on the right to “blow the whistle” in an employment context. We believe that with the growing importance of global business in society it is imperative that special measures are designed for this important class of citizens. A failure to do so, in our opinion, is likely to harm the maintenance of effective protection, especially in developing countries, to the detriment of citizens’ security.

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Lewis, D. and Castellino, J. (2013) Establishing a Different Dimension of Citizen Security: The Case for Special Protection for Whistleblowers. Beijing Law Review, 4, 185-197. doi: 10.4236/blr.2013.44024.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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