Two solutions for the BVP of a rotating variable-thickness solid disk
Ashraf M. Zenkour, Suzan A. Al-Ahmadi
DOI: 10.4236/ns.2011.32021   PDF    HTML     5,380 Downloads   10,205 Views  


This paper presents the analytical and numerical solutions for a rotating variable-thickness solid disk. The outer edge of the solid disk is considered to have free boundary conditions. The governing equation is derived from the basic equations of the rotating solid disk and it is solved analytically or numerically using finite difference algorithm. Both analytical and numerical results for the distributions of stress function and stresses of variable-thickness solid disks are obtained. Finally, the distributions of stress function and stresses are presented and the appropriate comparisons and discussions are made at the same angular velocity.

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Zenkour, A. and Al-Ahmadi, S. (2011) Two solutions for the BVP of a rotating variable-thickness solid disk. Natural Science, 3, 145-153. doi: 10.4236/ns.2011.32021.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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