Restoration Study of Microorganisms in Lake Water Purification


We screened the bacteria with restoration and purification functions in lake water and found that,Bacillus subtilishad the highest water purification ability. Photosynthetic bacteria, lactobacillus bacteria, nitrifying bacteria and oligotrophic bacteria also showed different levels of lake water purification and restoration. L1873orthogonal experiments were designed to optimize the ratio of complex agents to get the best ratio of various bacteria as 10g/LBacillus subtilis, 2g/L photosynthetic bacteria, 0.8g/L lactobacillus, 0.6g/L nitrifying bacteria 1, 0.4g/L nitrifying bacteria 2 and 0.6g/L oli-gotrophic bacteria. When lake water was purified for 30 d under this ratio, total phosphorus content decreased 85.90%, total nitrogen content decreased 70.96%, and COD value decreased 81.19%.

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Yang, F. and Zhu, R. (2013) Restoration Study of Microorganisms in Lake Water Purification. Engineering, 5, 459-462. doi: 10.4236/eng.2013.510B094.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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