The Development of Decision-Making Maps for the High-Speed Machining (HSM) of Rhyodacite (Carijó Basalt) in Milling-Based Processing Applications


The demand for innovative products that overcome competitive pricing and conquer market shares can be met by interdisciplinary approaches that bridge product design, engineering and technology. Ornamental and covering stones stand out among the materials in need of innovation and are commonly used in architecture and construction as coverings in urban elements, funerary art, and art and decor. In spite of the many applications of ornamental stones, products with low added value are typically observed. Although Brazil displays significant geological potential for ornamental stones, its actual market participation is as a supplier of un- or semi-processed stones. Even with the market’s visible expansion and Brazil’s increased representation in the market, the technological advances used in the final processing of stones are restricted to improve the tools used for cutting, especially the durability of diamond-coated tools, and for polishing, which, in the short-term, meets the demands for marketing, producing and distributing semi-finished products. Accordingly, a little exploited aspect of ornamental stones appears, especially for “carijó basalt” (rhyodacite), that is, the inclusion of new processing and value-adding technologies or the inclusion of non-conventional processes in the sector. The goals of this work are to study and develop HSM (high speed machining) CNC (computer numerically controlled) milling processes that are applicable to rhyodacite, specifically to determine the milling parameters that give the best results for machining time with respect to tool wear and material abrasion and to replicate the results obtained in the samples. The results show that the raw material used in the present study, because it is natural, presents significant variations in composition and hardness, which prevent specific milling parameters from being determined. However, using a post-processor specifically developed for this study, it was possible to draft a decision-making map that aids in the execution of this process. Additionally, equipment failure occurred during every attempt and with every adjustment of the milling process. This indicates that the application of multipoint tools to rhyodacite milling is difficult in this industry. Thus, the use of single-point tools should be the natural path to follow for a potential practical industrial application in Brazil.

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Etchepare, H. and Júnior, W. (2013) The Development of Decision-Making Maps for the High-Speed Machining (HSM) of Rhyodacite (Carijó Basalt) in Milling-Based Processing Applications. Modern Mechanical Engineering, 3, 181-190. doi: 10.4236/mme.2013.34025.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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