Web-based: A data warehouse on osteoporosis data warehouse in the osteoporosis community health information management system


Objective: To establish an interactive management model for community-oriented high-risk osteoporosis in conjunction with a rural community health service center. Materials and Methods: Toward multidimensional analysis of data, the system we developed combines basic principles of data warehouse technology oriented to the needs of community health services. This paper introduces the steps we took in constructing the data warehouse; the case presented here is that of a district community health management information system in Changshu, Jiangsu Province, China. For our data warehouse, we chose the MySQL 4.5 relational database, the Browser/Server, (B/S) model, and hypertext preprocessor as the development tools. Results: The system allowed online analysis processing and next-stage work preparation, and provided a platform for data management, data query, online analysis, etc., in community health service center, specialist outpatient for osteoporosis, and health administration sectors. Conclusion: The users of remote management system and data warehouse can include community health service centers, osteoporosis departments of hospitals, and health administration departments; provide reference for policymaking of health administrators, residents’ health information, and intervention suggestions for general practitioners in community health service centers, patients’ follow-up information for osteoporosis specialists in general hospitals.


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Wang, Q. and Shen, Y. (2013) Web-based: A data warehouse on osteoporosis data warehouse in the osteoporosis community health information management system. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 6, 1072-1076. doi: 10.4236/jbise.2013.611134.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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