The Impact of Prevalent Destructive Leadership Behaviour on Subordinate Employees in a Firm


This paper examines the impact of destructive leadership behaviours experienced by subordinate employees. Structured questionnaires based on the petty Tyranny in organizations scale to explore the scope and nature of destructive leadership were used. The study further explores the relationship among leadership experiences, various measures of subordinates’ satisfaction and turnover level. The results showed that despite the central role of leadership holds for many firms in Hanoi, Vietnam, subordinate employees reported experiencing toxic destructive leadership. There was a significant negative relationship among destructive leadership, all measures of satisfaction and turnover level. Surprisingly, there was not a significant negative impact on turnover level (inclination to remain in the employment) among the subordinate population.

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Tran, Q. , Tian, Y. and Sankoh, F. (2013) The Impact of Prevalent Destructive Leadership Behaviour on Subordinate Employees in a Firm. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 3, 595-600. doi: 10.4236/ajibm.2013.37069.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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