A Robust Denoising Algorithm for Sounds of Musical Instruments Using Wavelet Packet Transform


In this paper, a robust DWPT based adaptive bock algorithm with modified threshold for denoising the sounds of musical instruments shehnai, dafli and flute is proposed. The signal is first segmented into multiple blocks depending upon the minimum mean square criteria in each block, and then thresholding methods are used for each block. All the blocks obtained after denoising the individual block are concatenated to get the final denoised signal. The discrete wavelet packet transform provides more coefficients than the conventional discrete wavelet transform (DWT), representing additional subtle detail of the signal but decision of optimal decomposition level is very important. When the sound signal corrupted with additive white Gaussian noise is passed through this algorithm, the obtained peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) depends upon the level of decomposition along with shape of the wavelet. Hence, the optimal wavelet and level of decomposition may be different for each signal. The obtained denoised signal with this algorithm is close to the original signal.c

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R. Sharma and V. Pyara, "A Robust Denoising Algorithm for Sounds of Musical Instruments Using Wavelet Packet Transform," Circuits and Systems, Vol. 4 No. 7, 2013, pp. 459-465. doi: 10.4236/cs.2013.47060.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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