Dense Fractal Networks, Trends, Noises and Switches in Homeostasis Regulation of Shannon Entropy for Chromosomes’ Activity in Living Cells for Medical Diagnostics


We analyze correlations and patterns of oxidative activity of 3D DNA at DNA fluorescence in complete sets of chromosomes in neutrophils of peripheral blood. Fluorescence of DNA is registered by method of flow cytometry with nanometer spatial resolution. Experimental data present fluorescence of many ten thousands of cells, from different parts of body in each population, in various blood samples. Data is presented in histograms as frequency distributions of flashes in the dependence on their intensity. Normalized frequency distribution of information in these histograms is used as probabilistic measure for definition of Shannon entropy. Data analysis shows that for this measure of Shannon entropy common sum of entropy, i.e. total entropy E, for any histogram is invariant and has identical trends of changes all values of E (r) = lnr at reduction of rank r of histogram. This invariance reflects informational homeostasis of chromosomes activity inside cells in multi-scale networks of entropy, for varied ranks r. Shannon entropy in multi-scale DNA networks has much more dense packing of correlations than in small world networks. As the rule, networks of entropy differ by the mix of normal D < 2 and abnormal D > 2 fractal dimensions for varied ranks r, the new types of fractal patterns and hinges for various topology (fractal dimension) at different states of health. We show that all distributions of information entropy are divided on three classes, which associated in diagnostics with a good health or dominants of autoimmune or inflammatory diseases. This classification based on switching of stability at transcritical bifurcation in homeostasis regulation. We defined many ways for homeostasis regulation, coincidences and switching patterns in branching sequences, the averages of Hölder for deviations of entropy from homeostasis at different states of health, with various saturation levels the noises of entropy at activity of all chromosomes in support regulation of homeostasis.

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Galich, N. (2013) Dense Fractal Networks, Trends, Noises and Switches in Homeostasis Regulation of Shannon Entropy for Chromosomes’ Activity in Living Cells for Medical Diagnostics. Applied Mathematics, 4, 30-41. doi: 10.4236/am.2013.411A2006.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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