A New Method of Tracking of WM Crossing Fiber Bundles Based on QBI


Tracking of crossing WM fiber bundles can be resolved using diffusion MRI imaging. DTI can only resolve a single fiber orientation within each voxel due to the constraints of the tensor model. DSI requires large pulsed field gradients and time-intensive sampling. This paper puts forward with a new method based on QBI, which uses a spherical tomographic inversion called Funk-Radon transform to get high angular resolution diffusion imaging signal. From the tracking results, we can get the conclusion that QBI-tracking can resolve crossing fiber time-savingly.

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Wu, Z. (2013) A New Method of Tracking of WM Crossing Fiber Bundles Based on QBI. Engineering, 5, 250-251. doi: 10.4236/eng.2013.510B051.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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