The Impact of Cognitive Reserve on the Neuropsychological Functioning of Hispanic Patients with Minor Neurocognitive Disorder


The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of cognitive reserve, on the neuropsychological status of a sample of otherwise healthy Hispanic patients, who complained of memory difficulties, and thus were suspected to present minor neurocognitive disorder. To this effect, 100 consecutive cases referred for neuropsychological evaluation by their primary care physicians comprised the initial sample. Two groups of 32 patients were formed on the basis of their scores in the Cognitive Reserve Questionnaire (CRQ) that was administered to all participants. The results obtained by both groups in an eclectic battery of neuropsychological instruments were compared. The results indicated that the CRQ High Score group had significantly better performance than the CRQ Low Score group in the tests administered, except those tapped into memory processes. This was interpreted, to be related to the fact that all of these patients fell into the category of mild cognitive impairment of the amnestic type, as neither group performed well in these specific instruments. The findings of this study were interpreted to lend support to the notion that better cognitive reserve was associated with better cognitive status in the later years of life.

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Pino, J. , Dieguez, N. and Armas, J. (2013) The Impact of Cognitive Reserve on the Neuropsychological Functioning of Hispanic Patients with Minor Neurocognitive Disorder. Psychology, 4, 19-22. doi: 10.4236/psych.2013.410A004.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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