Application Research of Off-grid Home Photovoltaic Power System in Shaanxi Northern Region ()
Ke Cheng,
Liu Hao,
Jie Yang
School of Power and Energy, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China.
Shaanxi Regional Electric Power Group Co., LTD., Xi’an, China.
DOI: 10.4236/epe.2013.54B037
Because working performance of off-grid home photovoltaic power system is influenced by factors of solar radiation, ambient temperature and installation angle, this research established power supply model, analyzed working performance and optimized system configuration, by referencing weather conditions of Yulin and Yan’an and those factors. Results showed that under given solar radiation and ambient temperature, difference of installation angle can cause 30% to 40% difference of performance. In order to meet power demand, installation angles of Yulin and Yan'an were selected as 40 degree and 30 degree, and annual output power were 1.44 kWh/Wp and 1.32 kWh/Wp. Based on those results, the configuration of Yulin and Yan'an was 150 Wp and 170 Wp, and annual output power was 172.70 kWh and 179.66 kWh. Systems optimized above can meet the mid-scale demand in Shaanxi northern region and build theoretical foundation of application.
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K. Cheng, L. Hao and J. Yang, "Application Research of Off-grid Home Photovoltaic Power System in Shaanxi Northern Region,"
Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 5 No. 4B, 2013, pp. 194-197. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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