Hybrid Designing of a Neural System by Combining Fuzzy Logical Framework and PSVM for Visual Haze-Free Task


Brain-like computer research and development have been growing rapidly in recent years. It is necessary to design large scale dynamical neural networks (more than 106 neurons) to simulate complex process of our brain. But such kind of task is not easy to achieve only based on the analysis of partial differential equations, especially for those complex neural models, e.g. Rose-Hindmarsh (RH) model. So in this paper, we develop a novel approach by combining fuzzy logical designing with Proximal Support Vector Machine Classifiers (PSVM) learning in the designing of large scale neural networks. Particularly, our approach can effectively simplify the designing process, which is crucial for both cognition science and neural science. At last, we conduct our approach on an artificial neural system with more than 108 neurons for haze-free task, and the experimental results show that texture features extracted by fuzzy logic can effectively increase the texture information entropy and improve the effect of haze-removing in some degree.

Share and Cite:

H. Hu, L. Pang, D. Tian and Z. Shi, "Hybrid Designing of a Neural System by Combining Fuzzy Logical Framework and PSVM for Visual Haze-Free Task," International Journal of Intelligence Science, Vol. 3 No. 4, 2013, pp. 145-161. doi: 10.4236/ijis.2013.34016.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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