Towards Specifications for Automatic Recognition Software: An Example of a User-Centred Design


This article describes a user-centred method used to design innovative pattern recognition software for technical paper documents. This kind of software can make some errors of interpretation. It will therefore be important that human operators are able to identify and correct these mistakes. The identification of errors is a difficult task because operators need to establish co-reference between the initial document and it interpretation. Moreover, users must be able to checks the interpretation without forgetting any area. This task requires the interface is easy to use. The experiments showed that the sequential display of interpretation is the most effective and that the interruptions by user reduce task duration. Moreover, queries by the system may improve error detection. This paper summarizes the main results of the research conducted in the context of this design for enhance the interface, and describes the specifications to which it gave rise.

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Fleury, S. , Jamet, É. , Loup-Escande, E. , Ghorbel, A. , Lemaître, A. and Anquetil, E. (2013) Towards Specifications for Automatic Recognition Software: An Example of a User-Centred Design. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 6, 1-4. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2013.610A001.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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