An Evaluation Model for Improving Biodiversity in Artificial Coniferous Forests Invaded by Broadleaf Trees


Increasing attention is being paid to the various functions of forests, especially the conservation of biodiversity. In Japan, 67% of national land is covered by forest, 41% of which is artificial forest (i.e., plantations). Therefore, efforts to conserve forest biodiversity should also target artificial forests. In this study, we investigated the increase in biodiversity resulting from broadleaf tree invasion of artificial coniferous forests. We examined diversity indices and combinations of indices to identify which ones can aid forest managers in evaluating forest diversity. We also studied classification according to the richness of diversity, which corresponded to the growth stages of Chamaecyparisobtusa and Cryptomeria japonica plantation forests. Moreover, we developed a model that will contribute to sustainable forest management and biodiversity over an entire area. The model, based on a specific rotation scenario in a geographic information system, is easy to use and presents spatial and temporal changes at sites visually.

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Yamada, Y. & Kosaka, S. (2013). An Evaluation Model for Improving Biodiversity in Artificial Coniferous Forests Invaded by Broadleaf Trees. Open Journal of Forestry, 3, 122-128. doi: 10.4236/ojf.2013.34020.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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