Urbanization and Quality of Urban Environment Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques in East Delhi-India
Atiqur Rahman, Yogesh Kumar, Shahab Fazal, Sunil Bhaskaran
DOI: 10.4236/jgis.2011.31005   PDF    HTML     14,990 Downloads   31,301 Views   Citations


An explosive increase of urban population, practically in all major cities and towns, has the consequent strain on the existing system manifested in an environmental chaos. The phenomena of accelerated urbanisation is the main culprit, wherein besides bringing higher standard of living, it has also brought problems, as growth of dense and unplanned residential areas, environmental pollution, non-availability of services and amenities, solid waste etc. Remote sensing satellite data is suitable for urban land use mapping to get detail and up- to-date information for environmental management. Where as GIS helps in developing database system for urban information, which supports decision making process. Development of digital database on all aspects of land use and urban planning is the next crucial task for the future in which remote sensing based informa-tion is going to play a major role. In Delhi, rise in population and growth in economic activity has led to en-vironmental degradation. With this view an attempt has been made to study the quality of urban environment in the East district of Delhi, which is experiencing very high urban growth with 98.75% urban population in 2001. For this study Landsat ASTER (MSS) data of year 2001 (15 m Ground resolution), Guide map of the year 1982 and demographic and environmental data has been used. Eight parameters were selected, which affect the urban environmental quality, namely built-up area, open spaces, household density, occupancy ra-tio, population density, accessibility to roads, noise and smell affected area. The study shows that the quality of environment has been degraded when we compare 1982 and 2003 data. Most of the East district was in a better state of environment in 1982, but in 2003 things have been changed and now 50% area is in very good, fair and desirable condition. The public participation and involvement should be encouraged planning and decisions making for the improvement in better urban environmental quality.

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Rahman, A. , Kumar, Y. , Fazal, S. and Bhaskaran, S. (2011) Urbanization and Quality of Urban Environment Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques in East Delhi-India. Journal of Geographic Information System, 3, 62-84. doi: 10.4236/jgis.2011.31005.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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