A Modified Eigenvector Method for Blind Deconvolution of MIMO Systems Using the Matrix Pseudo-Inversion Lemma
Mitsuru Kawamoto, Kiyotaka Kohno, Yujiro Inouye, Koichi Kurumatani
DOI: 10.4236/cs.2011.21002   PDF    HTML     4,261 Downloads   7,534 Views  


Recently we have developed an eigenvector method (EVM) which can achieve the blind deconvolution (BD) for MIMO systems. One of attractive features of the proposed algorithm is that the BD can be achieved by calculating the eigenvectors of a matrix relevant to it. However, the performance accuracy of the EVM depends highly on computational results of the eigenvectors. In this paper, by modifying the EVM, we propose an algorithm which can achieve the BD without calculating the eigenvectors. Then the pseudo-inverse which is needed to carry out the BD is calculated by our proposed matrix pseudo-inversion lemma. Moreover, using a combination of the conventional EVM and the modified EVM, we will show its performances comparing with each EVM. Simulation results will be presented for showing the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

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M. Kawamoto, K. Kohno, Y. Inouye and K. Kurumatani, "A Modified Eigenvector Method for Blind Deconvolution of MIMO Systems Using the Matrix Pseudo-Inversion Lemma," Circuits and Systems, Vol. 2 No. 1, 2011, pp. 7-13. doi: 10.4236/cs.2011.21002.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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