The Numerical Simulation of Gas Turbine Inlet-Volute Flow Field ()
The structural and aerodynamic performance of the air inlet volute
has an important influence on the performance of the gas turbine. On one hand,
it requires the airflow flowing through inlet volute as even as possible, in
order to reduce the pressure loss, to avoid a decrease in the effective output
power and an increase of the fuel consumption rate of the internal
combustion engine which indicate the inefficiency of the entire power unit; On
the other hand, it requires the size of the inlet volute to be as small as
possible in order to save mounting space and production costs. The thesis
builds the structure model and develops flow fields numerical simulation of
several different sizes of the inlet volutes. Further, the unreasonable
aerodynamic structure is improved according to the flow field characteristics
and thereby, a better aerodynamic performance of the inlet volute is
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T. Jiang and K. Huang, "The Numerical Simulation of Gas Turbine Inlet-Volute Flow Field,"
World Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 3 No. 4, 2013, pp. 230-235. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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