Provitamin D Doped Silica and Polymeric Films: New Materials for UV Biosensor
T. N. Orlova, I. P. Terenetskaya, A. M. Eremenko, N. I. Surovtseva
DOI: 10.4236/msa.2010.15039   PDF    HTML     3,610 Downloads   7,139 Views   Citations


The original technologies of growing silica films, impregnated with 7-dehydrocholesterol (provitamin D3) on quartz substrates and free transparent films on the basis of polyvinyl alcohol and polyvinyl butyral have been developed. Provitamin D photoisomerization in the films under UVB irradiation was investigated by UV absorption spectroscopy. Remarkable changes in the absorption spectrum of 7-DHC were observed in silica and polyvinyl alcohol films as com-pared with ethanol solution, only in polyvinyl butyral film the spectrum was very nearly, while the spectral kinetics of 7-DHC photoisomerization in all the films was different from ethanol. We suggest that several films have potential as UV dosimeters to measure accumulated ‘antirachitic’ UV dose in the same manner as erythemic UV dose is measured by commonly used polysulphone film.

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T. Orlova, I. Terenetskaya, A. Eremenko and N. Surovtseva, "Provitamin D Doped Silica and Polymeric Films: New Materials for UV Biosensor," Materials Sciences and Applications, Vol. 1 No. 5, 2010, pp. 267-271. doi: 10.4236/msa.2010.15039.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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