An Existence Theorem of Solutions for the System of Generalized Vector Quasi-Variational-Like Inequalities ()
1. Introduction and Formulation
In recent years, the system of generalized vector quasivariational-like inequality, which is a unified model for the system of vector quasi-variational-like inequalities, the system of vector variational-like inequalities, the system of vector variational inequalities, the system of vector equilibrium problems and the system of variational inequalities etc., has been studied (see [1-18] and references therein).
In this paper, we consider the systems of four kinds of generalized vector quasi-variational-like inequalities with set-valued mappings and discuss the existence of its solutions in locally convex topological vector space (l.c.s. in short), motivated and inspired by the recent works of Peng [1] and Ansari et al. [2].
Throughout this paper, unless otherwise specified, assume that be an index set. For each, let be a locally convex topological vector space (l.c.s., in short) and be a nonempty convex subset of Hausdorff topological vector space (t.v.s., in short). Let be a subset of continuous function space from into, where is equipped with a - topology. Let and denote the interior and convex hull of a set respectively. Let be a set-valued mapping such that for each. Denote that and .
For each, let be a vectorvalued mapping, ,
, and be four set-valued mappings. Then1) Strong type I system of generalized vector quasivariational-like inequalities which is to find such that, and
2) Strong type II system of generalized vector quasivariational-like inequalities which is to find such that, and
3) Weak type I system of generalized vector quasivariational-like inequalities which is to find such that, and
4) Weak type II system of generalized vector quasivariational-like inequalities which is to find such that, and
where denotes the evaluation of at. By the corollary of the Schaefer [3], becomes a l.c.s.. By Ding and Tarafdar [4], the bilinear map is continuous.
The following problems are the special cases of above four kinds of systems of generalized vector quasi-variational-like inequalities.
The above system of generalized vector quasi-variational-like inequalities encompass many models of system of variational inequalities. The following problems are the special cases of problem (1.4).
1) If for each let be an identity mapping, , problem (1.4) reduces to the system of generalized quasi-variational-like inequalities of finding such that for each, and
which was introduced and studied by Peng [1].
2) If for each let be an identity mapping, and, problem (1.5) reduces to the system of generalized variational-like inequalities of finding such that for each, and
In addition, let and let for all, then problem (1.5) reduces to the system of generalized vector quasi-variational inequalities studied by Ansari and Yao [5].
3) If for each be an identity mapping, , and then problem (1.5) reduces to the system of generalized vector variational inequalities of finding such that for each, and
4) If, problem (1.4) reduces to generalized vector quasi-variational-like inequalities of finding such that and
such type of problem studied in [6-10].
5) If and is single valued mapping, be an identity mapping, , and for all then problem (1.4) reduces to classical variational inequality problem of finding such that and
which was introduced and studied by Hartman and Stampacchia [11].
2. Preliminaries
Definition 2.1. [12] Let and be two t.v.s. and be a convex subset of t.v.s.. Let and
be two set-valued mappings. Assume given any finite subset in, any
, with for, and.
Then, 1) is said to be strong Type I C-diagonally quasiconvex (SIC-DQC, in short) in the second argument if for some,
2) is said to be strong Type II C-diagonally quasiconvex (SIIC-DQC, in short) in the second argument if for some,
3) is said to be weak Type I C-diagonally quasiconvex (WIC-DQC, in short) in the second argument if for some,
4) is said to be weak Type II C-diagonally quasiconvex (WIIC-DQC, in short) in the second argument if for some,
It is easy to verify that the following proposition, 1) SIC-DQC implies SIIC-DQC; 2) SIIC-DQC implies WIC-DQC; 3) WIC-DQC implies WIIC-DQC. The converse is not true. Following example shows that the con0 verse is not true.
Example 2.1. Let and .
1) If. Then is SIIC-DQC, but it is not SIC-DQC.
2) If. Then is WIICDQC, but it is not WIC-DQC.
Definition 2.2. [13] Let and be two t.v.s. and be a convex subset of t.v.s.. A mapping is called (generalized) vector 0- diagonally convex if for any finite subset
of and any with for, and,
Definition 2.3. [14] Let and be two topological spaces and be a set-valued mapping. Then1) is said to have open lower sections if the set is open in for every;
2) is said to be upper semicontinuous (u.s.c., in short) if for each and each open set in with, there exists an open neighborhood of in such that for each;
3) is said to be lower semicontinuous (l.s.c., in short) if for each and each open set in with, there exists an open neighborhood of in such that for each;
4) is said to be continuous if it is both upper and lower semicontinuous;
5) is said to be closed if for any net in such that and any net in such that and for any, we have .
Lemma 2.1. [15] Let and be two topological spaces. If is u.s.c. set-valued mapping with closed values, then is closed.
Lemma 2.2. [16] Let and be two topological spaces and is u.s.c. mapping with compact values. Suppose is a net in such that
. If for each, then there are a and a subnet of such that
Lemma 2.3. [17] Let and be two topological spaces. Suppose that and are set-valued mappings having open lower sections, then 1) A set-valued mapping defined by, for each, has open lower sections;
2) A set-valued mapping defined by, for each, has open lower sections.
For each, a Hausdorff t.v.s. Let be a family of nonempty compact convex subsets with each in. Let and. The following system of fixed-point theorem is needed in this paper.
Lemma 2.4. [18] For each, let be a set-valued mapping. Assume that the following conditions hold.
1) For each, is convex set-valued mapping;
Then there exist such that
, that is, for each
, where is the projection of onto
3. Main Results
Theorem 3.1. For each, let be a l.c.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of Hausdorff t.v.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of, which is equipped with a -topology. For each, assume that the following conditions are satisfied.
1) and are two nonempty convex set-valued mappings and have open lower sections;
2) For each and, the mapping
3) For each, the set
is open.
Then there exist and such that
Proof. Define a set-valued mapping by
We first prove that for all
. To see this, suppose, by way of contradiction, that there exist some and some point such that. Then, there exist finite points in and
with such that and
for all such that
which contradicts the hypothesis 2). Hence,
By hypothesis 3), for each and each, we known that
is open and so has open lower sections.
For each, consider a set-valued mapping defind by
Since has open lower sections by hypothesis 1), we may apply Lemma 2.3 to assert that the set-valued mapping has also open lower sections. Let
There are two cases to consider. In the case, we have
This implies that, ,
On the other hand, by condition 1), and the fact is a compact convex subset of, we can apply Lemma 2.4 to assert the existence of a fixed point. Since, picking, we have
This implies. Hence, in this particular case, the assertion of the theorem holds.
We now consider the case. Define a setvalued mapping by
Then, is a convex set-valued mapping and for each, is open. For each, consider the set-valued mapping defined by
By condition 1) and the properties of, satisfies all the conditions of Lemma 2.4. Thereforethere exists such that
. Suppose that, then
so that. This is a contradiction.
Hence,. Therefore,
This implies
Consequently, the assertion of the theorem holds in this case.
Corollary 3.2. For each, let be a l.c.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of Hausdorff t.v.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of, which is equipped with a -topology. For each, assume that the following conditions are satisfied.
1) and are two nonempty convex set-valued mappings and have open lower sections;
2) For all, the mapping
is an u.s.c. setvalued mapping;
3) is a convex set-valued mapping with for all;
4) is affine in the first argument and for all,;
5) is a generalized vector 0-diagonally convex set-valued mapping;
6) For a given, and a neighborhood of, for all
Then there exists and such that
Proof. Define a set-valued mapping by
We first prove that for all . By contradiction, for each, suppose there exists some point such that . Then, there exist finite points in, such that
Since is affine and is convexfor with such that
and for all such that
Since for all
which contradicts the hypothesis 5). Therefore
We now prove that for each
is open. Indeed, let, that is
. Since
is an u.s.c. setvalued mapping, there exists a neighborhood of such that
By 6),
Hence, This implies, is open for each and so have open lower sections. For the remainder of the proof, we can just follow that of Theorem 3.1. This completes the proof.
Corollary 3.3. For each, let be a l.c.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of Hausdorff t.v.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of, which is equipped with a -topology. For each, assume that the following conditions are satisfied.
1) and are two nonempty convex set-valued mappings and have open lower sections;
2) For all, the mapping is an u.s.c. setvalued mapping;
3) is a convex set-valued mapping such that for each, is a convex cone with;
4) is affine in the first argument and for all,;
5) is a generalized vector 0-diagonally convex set-valued mapping;
6) For a given, and a neighborhood of, for all
Then there exist and such that
Proof. By hypothesis 3), the condition 4) in Corollary 3.2 is satisfied. Hence, all the conditions are satisfied as in Corollary 3.2.
Corollary 3.4. For each, let be a l.c.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of Hausdorff t.v.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of, which is equipped with a -topology. For each, assume that and are single valued mappings and the following conditions are satisfied.
1) and are two nonempty convex set-valued mappings and have open lower sections;
2) For all, the mapping
is continuous;
3) is a convex set-valued mapping with for all;
4) is affine in the first argument and for all,;
5) is a vector 0-diagonally convex mapping;
6) is an u.s.c. set-valued mapping.
Then there exist and such that
Proof. Define a set-valued mapping by
We now prove that for each
is open, that is, the set
is closed. Indeed, let be a net in such that and
Since is continuous, hence
Since is an u.s.c. set-valued mapping with closed values, by Lemma 2.1, we have
and hence in the set
This implies is open for each and so has open lower sections. For the remainder of the proof, we can just follow that of Theorem 3.1 and Corollary 3.2. This completes the proof.
Theorem 3.5. For each, let be a l.c.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of Hausdorff t.v.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of, which is equipped with a -topology. For each, assume that the following conditions are satisfied.
1) and are two nonempty convex set-valued mappings and have open lower sections;
2) For each and, the mapping is WIC-DQC;
3) for each, the set
is open.
Then there exist and such that
Proof. Define a set-valued mapping by
For the remainder proof, we just follow that of Theorem 3.1.
Corollary 3.6. For each, let be a l.c.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of Hausdorff t.v.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of, which is equipped with a -topology. For each, assume that the following conditions are satisfied.
1) and are two nonempty convex set-valued mappings and have open lower sections;
2) For each and, the mapping
3) is an u.s.c. set-valued mapping.
Then there exist and such that
Proof. Let be a set-valued mapping define in Theorem 3.5. We just prove that for each
is open, that is, the set
is closed. Indeed, let be a net in such that and
This implies
We now prove that
If it is not true, then there exists a
such that
. Since is Hausdorff t.v.s.
(l.c.s. is Hausdorff space) and is closed, there exists two open sets such that
Since is an l.s.c.
set-valued mapping and is an u.s.c. set-valued mapping, there exists a neighborhood
such that
and a neighborhood of such that
Hence, for all there exists such that, which is contradiction.
Therefore, the set
is closed. Hence, all the conditions of Theorem 3.5 satisfied. Consequently, the assertion of the theorem holds.
Theorem 3.7. For each, let be a l.c.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of Hausdorff t.v.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of, which is equipped with a -topology. For each, assume that the following conditions are satisfied.
1) and are two nonempty convex set-valued mappings and have open lower sections;
2) For each and, the mapping is SIIC-DQC;
3) for each, the set
is open.
Then there exist and such that
Proof. Define a set-valued mapping by
For the remainder proof, we just follow that of Theorem 3.1.
Corollary 3.8. For each, let be a l.c.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of Hausdorff t.v.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of, which is equipped with a -topology. For each, assume that the following conditions are satisfied.
1) and are two nonempty convex set-valued mappings and have open lower sections;
2) For each and, the mapping is SIIC-DQC;
3) For all is closed convex cone.
Then there exist and such that
Proof. Let be a set-valued mapping defined in Theorem 3.7. We prove that for each
is open, that is, the set
is open. If, since is open set and for all
, an u.s.c. set-valued mapping, there exists a neighborhood of, for all
This implies is open for each Therefore, all the conditions of Theorem 3.7 are satisfied. Consequently the assertion of the theorem holds.
Theorem 3.9. For each, let be a l.c.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of Hausdorff t.v.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of, which is equipped with a -topology. For each, assume that the following conditions are satisfied.
1) and are two nonempty convex set-valued mappings and have open lower sections;
2) For each and, the mapping is SIC-DQC;
3) for each, the set
is open.
Then there exist and such that
Proof. Define a set-valued mapping by
The rest of the proof is similar to that of Theorem 3.1.
Corollary 3.10. For each, let be a l.c.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of Hausdorff t.v.s., a nonempty compact convex subset of, which is equipped with a -topology. For each, assume that the following conditions are satisfied.
1) and are two nonempty convex set-valued mappings and have open lower sections;
2) For each and, the mapping is SIC-DQC;
3) is an u.s.c. mapping with closed values.
Then there exist and such that
Proof. Let a set-valued mapping defined in Theorem 3.9. We prove that for each, the set
is open, that is, the set
is closed. Indeed, let be a net in such that and
We claim that
To prove this assertion, we can just follow that of Corollary 3.6. Hence, the set
is open. Therefore, all the conditions of Theorem 3.9 are satisfied. Consequently, the assertion of the corollary hold.