Gross domestic product and dietary pattern among 49 western countries with a focus on polyamine intake
Phan Nguyen Thanh Binh, Kuniyasu Soda, Masanobu Kawakami
DOI: 10.4236/health.2010.211198   PDF    HTML     5,085 Downloads   9,200 Views   Citations


Socioeconomic status is known to affect dietary profile, and differences in food habits and choice may affect polyamine intake due to significant variations in the concentrations of the polyamines spermine, spermidine, and putrescine present in different foods. The relationship between gross domestic product (GDP) and dietary profile, with a focus on polyamine intake, was investigated for 49 different European and other Western countries. The data for food supply and GDP were collected from the database of the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund, respectively, and the amount of polyamine intake from food was estimated using polyamine concentrations listed in published sources. Countries were divided equally according to GDP values into two categories, higher and lower, and the amount and composition of food polyamines as well as dietary profile were compared. Higher GDP countries supply animal products and seafood in greater amounts than lower GDP countries; however, whole milk supply per calorie was higher in lower GDP than higher GDP countries. While crops supply was relatively higher in lower GDP countries, fruit supply was greater in higher GDP countries. Higher GDP was associated with increased amount of spermine and putrescine per total calorie, although spermidine amount per calorie was similar between higher and lower GDP countries. GDP, as an indicator of countries’ socioeconomic status, is associated with the amount and the composition of polyamines as well as dietary pattern.

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Binh, P. , Soda, K. and Kawakami, M. (2010) Gross domestic product and dietary pattern among 49 western countries with a focus on polyamine intake. Health, 2, 1327-1334. doi: 10.4236/health.2010.211198.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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