Parent Training Intervention for Parents from Different Cultural Backgrounds with Children with Behavioral Problems


The main objective of this paper is to carry out a parent training with parents from different cultural background with a dual purpose: a) providing basic educational skills that disregard the cultural differences and b) verify the effectiveness of training and maintenance of skills learned. This research was designed both to verify whether a program of parent-training group can modify the parent-child interactions in different cultural contexts than the Italian, and to provide a service to families who, for different reasons, can be considered at risk. The work was carried out separately on Italian and Sri Lankan groups of parents of non-compliant children. Both groups learned, by attending training sessions, educational techniques proposed and put them into practice with their children in different interactive contexts.

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Cuzzocrea, F. , Patrizia, O. , Rosalba, L. & Maria, M. (2013). Parent Training Intervention for Parents from Different Cultural Backgrounds with Children with Behavioral Problems. Psychology, 4, 205-212. doi: 10.4236/psych.2013.43A031.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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