3D Reconstruction with Spiral Computed Tomography in Choroidal Osteoma ()
Francisco Javier Ascaso,
Laura Herrera,
Laura Villén,
Rafael Lasierra,
Juan Ibañez,
Diana Pérez,
José Angel Cristóbal
Department of Ophthalmology, Lozano Blesa University Clinic Hospital, Zaragoza, Spain.
Department of Ophthalmology, Lozano Blesa University Clinic Hospital, Zaragoza, Spain
Aragon Health Sciences Institute, Zaragoza, Spain.
Department of Radiology, Lozano Blesa University Clinic Hospital, Zaragoza, Spain.
DOI: 10.4236/ojoph.2013.31002
Choroidal osteoma (CO) is a rare,
ossifying benign tumor originated in the choroid that typically occurs in
otherwise healthy young women (1,2). It is characterized by a yellowish, well
demarcated lesion in the juxtapapillary or macular area. The diagnosis is
clinical and can be confirmed with the use of fluorescein or indocyanine
angiography, optical coherence tomography, computed tomography or magnetic
resonance imaging. Choroidal neovascularization or subretinal fluid, the main
causes for vision loss, can be treated with laser therapy, photodynamic therapy
or intravitreal antivascular endothelial growth factor therapy. We present a
case of choroidal osteoma, showing the role of the high resolution 3D spiral
computed tomography.
Share and Cite:
Ascaso, F. , Herrera, L. , Villén, L. , Lasierra, R. , Ibañez, J. , Pérez, D. and Cristóbal, J. (2013) 3D Reconstruction with Spiral Computed Tomography in Choroidal Osteoma.
Open Journal of Ophthalmology,
3, 4-6. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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