Wronskian Representation of Solutions of NLS Equation, and Seventh Order Rogue Wave ()
1. Introduction
From fundamental work of Zakharov and Shabat in 1968 [1,2], a lot of research has been carried out on the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS). The case of periodic and almost periodic algebro-geometric solutions to the focusing NLS equation were first constructed in 1976 by Its and Kotlyarov [3]. The first quasi-rational solutions of NLS equation were construted in 1983 by Peregrine [4]; they are nowadays called worldwide Peregrine breathers. In 1986, Eleonski, Akhmediev and Kulagin obtained the two-phase almost periodic solution to the NLS equation and obtained the first higher order analogue of the Peregrine breather [5,6]. Other families of higher order were constructed in a series of articles by Akhmediev et al. [7,8] using Darboux transformations.
In 2010, it has been shown in [9] that rational solutions of NLs equation can be writen as a quotient of two wronskians.
In this paper, we use a result [10] giving a new representation of the solutions of the NLS equation in terms of a ratio of two wronskians determinants of even order 2N composed of elementary functions; the related solutions of NLS are called of order N. When we perform the passage to the limit when some parameter tends to 0, we got families of multi-rogue wave solutions of the focusing NLS equation depending on a certain number of parameters. It allows to recognize the famous Peregrine breather [4] and also higher order Peregrine’s breathers constructed by Akhmediev [7,11].
Recently, another representation of the solutions of the focusing NLS equation, as a ratio of two determinants has been given in [12] using generalized Darboux transform.
A new approach has been done in [13] which gives a determinant representation of solutions of the focusing NLS equation, obtained from Hirota bilinear method, derived by reduction of the Gram determinant representation for Davey-Stewartson system.
We have already given breathers of order N = 1 to N = 6 in [14]. Here, we construct the breather of order N = 7 which shows the efficiency of this method.
2. Expression of Solutions of NLS Equation in Terms of Wronskian Determinant and Quasi-Rational Limit
2.1. Solutions of NLS Equation in Terms of Wronskian Determinant
We briefly recall results obtained in [10,14]. We consider the focusing NLS equation
From [14], the solution of the NLS equation can be written in the form
In (2), the matrix
is defined by
The terms
are functions of the parameters
satisfying the relations

They are given by the following equations,

The terms
are defined by

The coefficients
are defined by :
We consider the following functions
We use the following notations:
is the wronskian
We consider the matrix
defined by

Then we get the following link between Fredohlm and Wronskian determinants [14]
Theorem 2.1

It can be deduced the following result:
Theorem 2.2 The function v defined by
is solution of the NLS Equation (1)

2.2. Quasi-Rational Solutions of NLS Equation
In the following, we take the limit when the parameters
For simplicity, we denote
the term
We consider the parameter
written in the form
goes to 0, we realize limited expansions at order p, for
, of the terms

We have the central result formulated in [14] :
Theorem 2.3 The function v defined by
is a quasi-rational solution of the NLS Equation (1)

Proof: Let
be the complex number
. We use the following functions:
, and
We define the functions
in the same way, where the term
is replaced by
Then it is clear that
All the functions
and their derivatives depend on
and can all be prolonged by continuity when
For simplicity we denote
the term
the term
Then we use the expansions

We have the same expansions for the functions

The components j of the columns 1 and N + 1 are respectively equal by definition to
, and
At the first step of the reduction, we replace the columns
, for
; we do the same changes for
. Each component j of the column
can be rewritten as

and the column
replaced by

. For
, we have the same reductions, each component j of the column
of can be rewritten as

and the column
replaced by

We can factorize in D3 and D1 in each column k and
the term
, and so simplify these common terms in numerator and denominator.
If we restrict the developments at order 1 in columns 2 and
, we get respectively
for the component j of D2,
for the component j of
of D3, and
for the component j of
for the component j of
of D1. This algorithm can be continued until the columns CN, C2N of D3 and
of D1.
Then taking the limit when
tends to 0,
can be replaced by 
Each element of these determinants is a polynomial in x and t. So the solution of the NLS equation takes the form
a rational function in x and t, and which ends the proof.
3. Seventh-Order Breather Solution of NLS Equation
3.1. Fiber-Optics Case
To get solutions of NLS equation written in the context of fiber optics
from these of (1), we can make the following changes of variables
Equation (15) plays a fundamental role in optics and is the object of active research as recent work [8] attests it where the solutions of the two-breathers are studied.
3.2. Case of the Initial Conditions
In the case of order N = 7, we make an expansion at order 13. Taking the limit when
with dj = j, 1 ≤ j ≤ N, the solution of NLS Equation (15) takes the form

Because of the length of the complete analytical expression, we only give it in the appendix.
We give here the expression of the solution in the form

in the case t = 0:
Remark 3.1 The expressions of
can be easily verified from the recursive formulae given in [11].
3.3. Plot in the (x, t) Coordinates
Please see Figure 1.
4. Conclusion
The method described in the present paper provides a powerful tool to get explicitly solutions of the NLS equation.
To the best of my knowledge, it is the first time that the breather of order seven solution of the NLS equation is presented.
It confirms the conjecture about the shape of the rogue wave in the
coordinates, the maximum of amplitude equal to 2N + 1 = 15 and the degree of polynomials in x and t here equal to 56 as already formulated in [7]. This new formulation gives the possibility, by introduction of parameters in the arguments of preceding functions defined in the text, to create an infinite set of non singular solutions of NLS equation. It will be the next step of the work which will open a large way to future researches in this domain.
Rather than to give the analytical expression in the form
, to shorten the formulation one prefers to give that inspired by Akhmediev et al. in [11].
The solution of NLS equation takes the form, with N = 7
