Geothermal Water in Lebanon: An Alternative Energy Source
Amin Shaban
DOI: 10.4236/lce.2010.11003   PDF    HTML     7,322 Downloads   14,401 Views   Citations


Recently, demand for energy has been increased worldwide, notably in the view of high economic value and competi-tion of fossil fuel, as well as the negative impact of fuel consumption through carbon release, and thus the consequences on human health and environment. Various aspects of energy sources into Earth’s crust have been discovered and utilized. Geothermal energy is one aspect of these sources where they have been well pronounced in many countries and proved to be a potential energy source for the future needs. Lebanon, the country with rare natural energy, the renewable energy sources are almost ignored and there is only limited utilization of hydro-power, wind and solar energy, whilst oil imports occupy a substantial portion for energy use. Yet, geothermal energy has not raised and no concern has been given to this renewable source. Meanwhile, there are several indicators showing the existence of geothermal water in different regions in Lebanon. They almost occur where basalt rocks are exposed. This was evidenced whether from water in drilled wells or from various discharging springs, as well as indications of thermal water was observed also in many localities along the Lebanese coastal water. This study shows the available information in this respect, considering the occurrence of geothermal water in Lebanon as an alternative energy source. Thus four major geothermal domains were recognized. The study introduces detailed characterization on the existing aspects of geothermal water and inducing its hydrologic regime and mechanism of groundwater heating. It would be a reconnaissance stage that may help applying further detailed assessment.

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Shaban, A. (2010) Geothermal Water in Lebanon: An Alternative Energy Source. Low Carbon Economy, 1, 18-24. doi: 10.4236/lce.2010.11003.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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