A New Framework for Designing E-Government Procurement in China Based on Ontology and Business Component
Nan Lin, Daifeng Li, Tianxi Dong, Zheng Qin
DOI: 10.4236/jssm.2010.33037   PDF    HTML     5,760 Downloads   11,280 Views   Citations


Electronic government (e-government) procurement is one of the most important activities in China. The paper consists of three parts. First, the paper introduces current situation of China’s e-government procurement system which includes the overall technical level, application level, and the existing problems. Based on the problem brought forward from the first part, the paper considers that a better solution is to apply business component theory and business component framework in the construction of e-government procurement, as it can solve the problems that block the develop- ment of e-government procurement in a more convenient way. The paper constructs the Business Component (BC) framework for the e-government procurement, analyzes the superiority of BC framework and describes a methodology for the application of BCs in e-government procurement. The paper utilizes semantic model for workflow by using ontology modeling tool Protégé, uses ontology model database to store and manage workflow model, and builds a permission-based and user-involved workflow. At last, the paper takes public bidding, a main e-procurement method in China as an example and uses Appfuse and Osworkflow to prove the validity of the framework and methodology.

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Lin, N. , Li, D. , Dong, T. and Qin, Z. (2010) A New Framework for Designing E-Government Procurement in China Based on Ontology and Business Component. Journal of Service Science and Management, 3, 298-308. doi: 10.4236/jssm.2010.33037.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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