On the Comparison of Microstructure Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of High Chromium White Iron with the Hadfield Austenitic Manganese Steel


In this study, high chromium white iron (HC-Wi) alloy and the Hadfield steel were studied. The microstructure of this high-chromium iron was studied using Metallurgical optical microscopy (OM) and compared to the Hadfield steel. The hardness and unnotched charpy impact strength of the HC-Wi alloy and Hadfield steel were examined at ambient temperature in the as-cast and heat-treated conditions. A pin-on-disc test at linear speed of 1.18 m/s and a 10 N normal load was employed to evaluate the wear behavior of both steel samples. Microstructural results showed that varying the carbon level in HC-Wi alloys can affect the chromium carbide morphology and its distribution in the austenite matrix which leads to considerable changes of the mechanical properties. Abrasion test showed that HC-Wi alloys have superior wear resistance, about three times of the Hadfield steel.

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Agunsoye, J. , Isaac, T. and Abiona, A. (2013) On the Comparison of Microstructure Characteristics and Mechanical Properties of High Chromium White Iron with the Hadfield Austenitic Manganese Steel. Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, 1, 24-28. doi: 10.4236/jmmce.2013.11005.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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