A Programmable High Speed Vision System with Superscalar PE and Its Parallel Computing Language ()
Pixel-parallel PE and SIMD architectures are widely used in high-speed image processing to enhance computing power. With fully exploiting the data level parallelism of low- and middle-level image processing, SIMD architecture is able to finish great amount of computation with much less instruction cycle thus satisfy the high-speed system requirement. The main computation parts in those SIMD image processing hardware is known as PE (processing element) and it is responsible for transferring, storing and processing the image data. This paper describes a high-speed vision system with superscalar PE to enhance system performance and its dedicated parallel computing language specifically devel-oped for this vision system. The vision system can achieve motion detection at more than 2000fps and face detection at more than 100 fps which overwhelms some general serial CPUs in the same applications.
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J. Yang, C. Shi, X. Long and N. Wu, "A Programmable High Speed Vision System with Superscalar PE and Its Parallel Computing Language,"
Open Journal of Applied Sciences, Vol. 3 No. 1B, 2013, pp. 65-67. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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