3D Conceptual Modelling and Direct Utilization Calculations of The Albanian Geothermal Resources


Balneological use of the Albanian Geothermal springs and waters dates back centuries, but the first modern use started in 1937. Unfortunately they had not been used for its energetic values yet. The temperature of the water is above 60 °C and the flow above 16 l/s, thus direct utilization is possible, in particular for space heating. Three-dimensional temperature field calculations and engineering calculations on a heating system with heat exchangers are presented here. The results show that the water temperature is expected to be stable and considerably higher temperature is expected through deep well drilling. The University’s Campus of Tirana is composed of 29 buildings, which are partially heated through a coal heater. The installed capacity is 2558kW while the coal consumption is about 920 kg/h. The University’s Campus of Tirana is one of the most important areas and with the highest density of population in Tirana, so it is the best area to show the heat exchanger efficiency. The economic analyses prove that the borehole heat exchangers are more convenient than the coal heating systems.

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Kodhelaj, N. and Bode, A. (2013) 3D Conceptual Modelling and Direct Utilization Calculations of The Albanian Geothermal Resources. Engineering, 5, 202-207. doi: 10.4236/eng.2013.51B037.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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