ACGA Algorithm of Solving Weapon - Target Assignment Problem


Weapon Target Assignment is not only an important issue to use firepower, but also an important operational decision-making problem. As new intelligent algorithms, Genetic algorithm and ant colony algorithm are applied to solve Weapons-Target Assignment Problem. This paper introduces the Weapon-Target Assignment (WTA) and the mathematical model, and proposes ACGA algorithm which is the integration of genetic algorithm and ant colony algorithm then use ACGA algorithm to solve the Weapon-Target Assignment Problem. Calculations show that: when ACGA algorithm is used to solve Weapon – Target Assignment Problem, it has fast convergence and high accuracy.

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Zhang, J. , Wang, X. , Xu, C. and Yuan, D. (2012) ACGA Algorithm of Solving Weapon - Target Assignment Problem. Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 2, 74-77. doi: 10.4236/ojapps.2012.24B018.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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