A new device for the identification of lymph nodes removed during different types of neck dissection


Meticulous mapping of the lymph node status is a general principle in present-day head and neck surgery. The removal of a certain number of lymphatic levels during neck dissection may well be therapeutic in intent, but it is also mandatory for correct tumour staging. We pre- sent a precise lymph node mapping during dif- ferent types of neck dissection in the course of major head and neck surgery by a sterile plastic tray moulded in the shape of the neck. This de- vice makes lymph node mapping simpler, safer, quicker and methodically more structured than any of the present methods. It facilitates the work of the pathologist and the flow of reliable information along the surgeon-pathologist- oncologist chain. With this device, a more stru- ctured, methodical means of lymph node removal has become possible.

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Gerlinger, I. , Molnár, T. , Járai, T. , Móricz, P. , Ráth, G. and Göbel, G. (2010) A new device for the identification of lymph nodes removed during different types of neck dissection. Health, 2, 1093-1096. doi: 10.4236/health.2010.29161.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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