Psychodynamic Positive Psychotherapy Emphasizes the Impact of Culture in the Time of Globalization


The emphasis of Positive Psychotherapy on culture is a specific contribution to psychodynamic psycho- therapy and to contemporary psychological reasoning and intervention in general. In this article, it is argued that a consistent psycho-cultural perspective as introduced by the founder of Positive Psychotherapy, the Persian-German psychiatrist and psychotherapist Nossrat Peseschkian (1933-2010), is beneficial for humanity’s psychological needs in the time of globalization. Also elementary concepts and the style of intervention in Positive Psychotherapy are described.

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Henrichs, C. (2012) Psychodynamic Positive Psychotherapy Emphasizes the Impact of Culture in the Time of Globalization. Psychology, 3, 1148-1152. doi: 10.4236/psych.2012.312A169.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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