An Introduction to RFID Technology
Sanjay Ahuja, Pavan Potti
DOI: 10.4236/cn.2010.23026   PDF    HTML     22,871 Downloads   39,153 Views   Citations


RFID technology emerged some time back and was not used that much because of lack of standardization and high costs. Latest technologies have brought costs down and standards are being developed. Today RFID is mostly used as a medium for numerous tasks including managing supply chains, tracking livestock, preventing counterfeiting, controlling building access, and supporting automated checkout. The use of RFID is limited by security concerns and delays in standardization. This paper describes RFID technology and its applications in today’s world.

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Ahuja, S. and Potti, P. (2010) An Introduction to RFID Technology. Communications and Network, 2, 183-186. doi: 10.4236/cn.2010.23026.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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