1. Introduction
1.1. Terminology and Notations
For notation and terminology not discussed here the reader is referred to [1]. A graph is a (finite) set
, called the vertices of G together with a set
of (unordered) pairs of vertices of G, called the edges. We do not allow loops and multiple edges. The number of vertices of a graph is its order and is denoted by
. The number of edges in a graph is its size and is denoted by
. A vertex
is incident with an edge e if
and the two vertices incident with an edge are called its endpoints. Two vertices
of G are said to be adjacent or neighbors if
is an edge of G. The degree of a vertex v is the number of edges incident with v and will be denoted by
or simply by
if it is clear which graph is being considered. The complete graph (clique) of order n will be denoted by
, the complete bipartite graph with parts of size m and n will be denoted by
and the cycle of length
will be denoted by
The Turán graph of order n, denoted by
, is the unique complete
-partite graph on n vertices where every partite class has either
vertices. The well-known Turán’s Theorem [2] states that
is the unique graph on n vertices that has the maximum number of edges and contains no complete subgraph of order r. We let
denote the number of edges in
Finally, a proper colouring or simply a colouring of the vertices of G is an assignment of colours to the vertices in such a way that adjacent vertices have distinct colours;
is then the minimum number of colours in a (vertex) colouring of G. For example,
1.2. Motivation and Definitions
Given two graphs G and H, an H-decomposition of G is a partition of the edge set of G such that each part is either a single edge or forms an H-subgraph, i.e., a graph isomorphic to H. We allow partitions only, that is, every edge of G appears in precisely one part. Let
be the smallest possible number of parts in an H-decomposition of G. It is easy to see that
, where
is the maximum number of pairwise edge-disjoint H-subgraphs that can be packed into G. Building upon a body of previous research, Dor and Tarsi [3] showed that if H has a component with at least 3 edges, then the problem of checking whether an input graph G is perfectly decomposable into H-subgraphs is NP-complete. Hence, it is NP-hard to compute the function
for such H. Therefore, the aim is to study the function

which is the smallest number such that any graph G of order n admits an H-decomposition with at most
This function was first studied, in 1966, by Erdös, Goodman and Pósa [4], who were motivated by the problem of representing graphs by set intersections. They proved that
. A decade later, this result was extended by Bollobás [5], who proved that
, for all
General graphs H were only considered recently by Pikhurko and Sousa [6]. In Section 2 we will present known results about the exact value of the function
for some special graphs H and its asymptotic value for arbitrary H. In Sections 3 and 4 two new H-decomposition problems will be introduced, namely the weighted version and the monochromatic version respectively.
2. H-Decompositions of Graphs
In 1966, Erdös, Goodman and Pósa [4], who were motivated by the problem of representing graphs by set intersections, proved that
and a decade later Bollobás [5] proved that
for all
. Recently, Pikhurko and Sousa [6] studied the function
for arbitrary graphs H. They proved the following result.
Theorem 2.1. [6] Let H be any fixed graph with chromatic number
. Then,

denote the maximum number of edges in a graph of order n, that does not contain H as a subgraph. Recall that
. The same authors also made the following conjecture.
Conjecture 2.2. For any graph H with chromatic number at least 3, there is
such that
for all
The exact value of the function
is far from being known, however, this conjecture has been verified for some special graphs. The following results have been proved by Sousa.
Theorem 2.3. [7] For all
we have

Theorem 2.4. [8] For all
we have

, a clique-extension of order
is a connected graph that consists of a
plus another vertex, say x, adjacent to at most
vertices of
. For
be the clique-extension of order
that has
Theorem 2.5. [9] For all
we have

Theorem 2.6. [9] Let
and let
be any cliqueextension of order
. For all
we have

A graph H is said to be edge-critical if there exists an edge
whose deletion decreases the chromatic number, that is,
. Cliques and oddcycles are examples of edge-critical graphs. Özkahya and Person [10] were able to prove that Pikhurko and Sousa’s conjecture is true for all edge-critical graphs. Their result is the following.
Theorem 2.7. [10] Let H be any edge-critical graph with chromatic number
. Then, there exists
such that
, for all
. Moreover, the only graph attaining
is the Turán graph
The case when H is a bipartite graph has been less studied. Pikhurko and Sousa [6] determined
for any fixed bipartite graph with an
additive error. For a non-empty graph H, let
denote the greatest common divisor of the degrees of H. For example,
, while for any tree T with at least 2 vertices we have
. They proved the following result.
Theorem 2.8. [6] Let H be a bipartite graph with
edges and let
. Then there is
such that for all
the following statements hold.
, then if


denotes any graph obtained from
after deleting at most
edges in order to have
. Furthermore, if
is extremal then
is either
, then

Moreover, there is a procedure with running time polynomial in
which determines
and describes a family
-sequences such that a graph G of order
if and only if the degree sequence of G belongs to
. (It will be the case that
and each sequence in
equal entries, so
can be described using
3. Weighted H-Decompositions of Graphs
In 2011, Sousa [11] introduced a weighted version of the H-decomposition problem for graphs. More precisely, let G and H be two graphs and b a positive number. A weighted
-decomposition of G is a partition of the edge set of G such that each part is either a single edge or forms an H-subgraph, i.e., a graph isomorphic to H. We assign a weight of b to each H-subgraph in the decomposition and a weight of 1 to single edges. The total weight of the decomposition is the sum of the weights of all elements in the decomposition. Let
be the smallest possible weight in an
-decomposition of G.
As before, the goal is to study the function

which is the smallest number such that any graph G with n vertices admits an
-decomposition with weight at most
Note that when we take
the original H-decomposition problem is recovered, hence, it suffices to consider the case when
. Furthermore, when
we easily have
. Thereforeone only has to consider the case when
. Sousa [11] obtained the asymptotic value of the function
for any fixed bipartite graph H when
Recall that for a non-empty graph H,
denotes the greatest common divisor of the degrees of H. Sousa proved the following result.
Theorem 3.1. [11] Let H be a bipartite graph with
edges, let
a constant. Then there is
such that for all
the following statements hold.
, then

, let
is an integer.
, then

, then

, then

, then


, then

The case when H is not a bipartite graph is still an open problem.
4. Monochromatic H-Decompositions of Graphs
In this section the H-decomposition problem is extended to coloured versions of the graph G and monochromatic copies of H. We define the problem more precisely.
A k-edge-colouring of a graph G is a function
. We think of c as a colouring of the edges of G, where each edge is given one of k possible colours. Given a fixed graph H, a graph G of order n and a k-edge-colouring of the edges of G, a monochromatic H-decomposition of G is a partition of the edge set of G such that each part is either a single edge or a monochromatic copy of H. Let
be the smallest number such that, for any k -edge-colouring of G, there exists a monochromatic H-decomposition of G with at most
elements. The objective is to study the function
which is the smallest number such that, any k-edgecoloured graph of order n admits a monochromatic H-decomposition with at most
This function was introduced recently by Liu and Sousa [12] and they studied the function
for all
. Their results involve the Ramsey numbers and the Turán numbers. Recall that for
, the Ramsey number for
, denoted by
, is the smallest value of s, for which every k-edge-colouring of
contains a monochromatic
. The Ramsey numbers are notoriously difficult to calculate, even though, it is known that their values are finite for all
. In fact, for the Ramsey numbers
, only three of them are currently known. In 1955, Greenwood and Gleason [13] were the first to determine
. Liu and Sousa [12] proved the following results about monochromatic
Theorem 4.1. [12] Let
. There is an
such that, for all
, we have

That is,
. Moreover, the only k-edge-coloured graph G attaining
is the Turán graph
Theorem 4.2. [12] For all
we have

The same authors also made the following conjecture.
Conjecture 4.3. Let k ≥ 4. Then
Larger cliques were also studied by Liu and Sousa and they obtained the exact value of the function
for all
. Recall that the Ramsey number
is also well-known.
Theorem 4.4. [12] Let
. There is an
such that, for all
, we have

In particular,
. Moreover, the only graph attaining
is the Turán graph
5. Acknowledgements
The author acknowledges the support from FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal), through the Projects PTDC/MAT/113207/2009 and PEst-OE/ MAT/UI0297/2011 (CMA).