Simulation on SO2 and NOX Emission from Coal–Fired Power Plants in North-Eastern North America
Shuangchen Ma
DOI: 10.4236/epe.2010.23028   PDF    HTML     10,597 Downloads   17,254 Views   Citations


MM5-SMOKE-CMAQ regional air quality modeling system was used to simulate pollutants emission from coal–fired power plants in North-Eastern North America. The effects of SO2 and NOX on air quality producing from coal-fired power plants in the summer of 2001 were analyzed. Simulations show the contributions of SO2 and NOX emission from coal-fired power plants using different scenarios, coal-fired power plants from US and Canada contribute 67.2% and 32.8% for total SO2 concentration, 17.6% and 6.0% for total NOX concentration in researched domain. Some control measures for coal-fired power plants were discussed. Further controls for the emissions of SO2 and NOX from coal-fired power plants are necessary to reduce the adverse environmental effects.

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S. Ma, "Simulation on SO2 and NOX Emission from Coal–Fired Power Plants in North-Eastern North America," Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 2 No. 3, 2010, pp. 190-195. doi: 10.4236/epe.2010.23028.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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