Dextran coating on and among fibers of polymer sponge scaffold for osteogenesis by bone marrow cells in vivo


Although hydroxyapatite is commonly used as a scaffold for bone regeneration, sponges may be suitable because of the adaptability to the defect. To use as a scaffold, the fiber of sponge would be coated with any adhesive to storage stem cells in the sponges. Fiber in the structure of commercially available sponges was coated by immersion in dextran solution and air dried. After seeding of rat bone marrow cells (rBMCs), the sponges were implanted subcutis of rats for estimate osteogenesis in vivo. The level of osteocalcin was 25.28 ± 5.71 ng/scaffold and that of Ca was 129.20 ± 19.69 μg/scaffold. These values were significantly high- er than those in sponges without dextran coating (p < 0.01). It was thought that rBMCs could be stored on the shelf by dextran deposition in the fiber of the sponge. In vivo examination, dextran induced osteogenesis by rBMCs in many spaces in the inner structure of the sponge.

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Yoshikawa, M. , Tsuji, N. , Kakigi, H. , Yabuuchi, T. , Shimomura, Y. , Hayashi, H. and Ohgushi, H. (2010) Dextran coating on and among fibers of polymer sponge scaffold for osteogenesis by bone marrow cells in vivo. Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering, 3, 751-757. doi: 10.4236/jbise.2010.38100.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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