Eliminating Forgers Based on Intra Trial Variability in Online Signature Verification Using Handglove and Photometric Signals
Andrews Samraj, Shohel Sayeed, Loo Chu Kiong, Nikos E. Mastorokis
DOI: 10.4236/jis.2010.11003   PDF    HTML     4,202 Downloads   8,058 Views   Citations


The novel reinforcement to the data glove based dynamic signature verification system, using the Photometric measurement values collected simultaneously from photo plethysmography (PPG) during the signing process is the emerging technology. Skilled forgers try to attempt the genuine signatures in many numbers of trials. The wide gap in the Euclidian distances between forgers and the genuine template features prohibits them from successful forging. This has been proved by our repeated experiments on various subjects using the above combinational features. In addition the intra trial features captured during the forge attempts also differs widely in the case of forgers and are not consistent that of a genuine signature. This is caused by the pulse characteristics and degree of bilateral hand dimensional similarity, and the degrees of pulse delay. Since this economical and simple optical-based technology is offering an improved biometric security, it is essential to look for other reinforcements such the variability factor considerations which we proved of worth considering.

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Samraj, A. , Sayeed, S. , Kiong, L. and Mastorokis, N. (2010) Eliminating Forgers Based on Intra Trial Variability in Online Signature Verification Using Handglove and Photometric Signals. Journal of Information Security, 1, 23-28. doi: 10.4236/jis.2010.11003.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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