Optimality Theoretic Representation of Stress in Cairene Arabic


Stress pattern of Cairene Arabic (CA) has played a major role in the development of stress placement theory. Syllable weight plays a role, however, the weight to stress principle does not always apply. Bimodality of a foot is very important and is largely addressed in the literature. Stress in CA is described in the literature as Moraic Trochee, but primary stress is on one of the three leftmost syllables. Many studies investigated primary stress in CA. These studies employed different theoretic formulations based on the segmental rules, the metrical phonological tree, and the metrical phonological grid. Notwithstanding, no recent study has translated the findings of the aforementioned literature into an Optimality Theoretic Constraints framework. The present paper attempts to accomplish this feat. The paper also presents a new set of data based on CA spoken language.

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Aquil, R. (2012) Optimality Theoretic Representation of Stress in Cairene Arabic. Open Journal of Modern Linguistics, 2, 85-89. doi: 10.4236/ojml.2012.23011.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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