CRAB—CombinatoRial Auction Body Software System ()
Auctions are important market mechanisms for the allocation of goods and services. Combinatorial auctions are those auctions in which buyers can place bids on combinations of items. Combinatorial auctions have many applications. The paper presents the CRAB software system. CRAB is a non-commercial software system for generating, solving, and testing of combinatorial auction problems. The system solves problems by Balas’ method or by the primal-dual algo-rithm. CRAB is implemented in Ruby and it is distributed as the file crab.rb. The system is freely available on web pag-es for all interested users
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Fiala, P. , Kalčevová, J. and Vraný, J. (2010) CRAB—CombinatoRial Auction Body Software System.
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications,
3, 718-722. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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