On the Absence of Carrier Drift in Two-Terminal Devices and the Origin of Their Lowest Resistance Per Carrier Rk=h/Q2


After a criticism on today’s model for electrical noise in resistors, we pass to use a Quantum-compliant model based on the discreteness of electrical charge in a complex Admittance. From this new model we show that carrier drift viewed as charged particle motion in response to an electric field is unlike to occur in bulk regions of Solid-State devices where carriers react as dipoles against this field. The absence of the shot noise that charges drifting in resistors should produce and the evolution of the Phase Noise with the active power existing in the resonators of L-C oscillators, are two effects added in proof for this conduction model without carrier drift where the resistance of any two-terminal device becomes discrete and has a minimum value per carrier that is the Quantum Hall resistance Rk=h/q2 Ω

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J. Izpura, "On the Absence of Carrier Drift in Two-Terminal Devices and the Origin of Their Lowest Resistance Per Carrier Rk=h/Q2," Journal of Modern Physics, Vol. 3 No. 8, 2012, pp. 762-773. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2012.38100.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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