Application of Automated Ball Indentation for Property Measurement of Degraded Zr2.5Nb ()
In this work, Automated Ball Indentation (ABI) technique is based on load controlled multiple
indentations (at a single penetration location) of a polished surface by a spherical indenter (0.7
to 1.46 mm) and indentation depth is progressively increased to a maximum user specified limit
with intermediate partial unloading. This technique permits measurement of yield strength,
stress-strain curve, strength coefficient and strain hardening exponent. ABI Testing was carried
out on samples of Zr-Nb2.5 (Pressure Tube Material) with different heat treatment conditions in
which temperature was varying (550 degree to 900 degree and retention time was varying 0.5 to
6 hour and furnace cooled. For all these test material and conditions, the ABI derived results
were in very good agreement with those from conventional standard test methods.
Share and Cite:
K. Sharma, P. Singh, V. Bhasin and K. Vaze, "Application of Automated Ball Indentation for Property Measurement of Degraded Zr2.5Nb,"
Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, Vol. 10 No. 7, 2011, pp. 661-669. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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