Model for Predictive Analysis of the Concentration of Phosphorus Removed during Leaching of Iron Oxide Ore in Sulphuric Acid Solution


Model for predictive analysis of the concentration of phosphorus removed (relative to the initial and final pH of the leaching solution) during leaching of iron oxide ore in sulphuric acid solution has been derived. It was observed that the validity of the model is rooted in the mathematical expression; (P/N)1/3 = (er/a) where both sides of the relationship are almost equal. The model; P = 4.25(er/a)3 shows that the concentration of phosphorus removed is dependent on the values of the initial and final pH of the leaching solution. In all, the positive or negative deviation of the model-predicted phosphorus concentration from its corresponding value obtained from the experiment was found to be less than 29%, which is quite within the acceptable deviation limit of experimental results hence establishing the validity and precision of the model in its application for predicting quantitatively the concentration of phosphorus removed during the leaching process.

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C. Nwoye and S. Ndlu, "Model for Predictive Analysis of the Concentration of Phosphorus Removed during Leaching of Iron Oxide Ore in Sulphuric Acid Solution," Journal of Minerals and Materials Characterization and Engineering, Vol. 8 No. 4, 2009, pp. 261-270. doi: 10.4236/jmmce.2009.84023.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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