Principal-Agent Theory Based Risk Allocation Model for Virtual Enterprise
Min Huang, Guike Chen, Wai-Ki Ching, Tak Kuen Siu
DOI: 10.4236/jssm.2010.32030   PDF    HTML     5,818 Downloads   10,789 Views   Citations


In this paper, we consider a risk analysis model for Virtual Enterprise (VE) by exploring the state of the art of the principal-agent theory. In particular, we deal with the problem of allocating the cost of risk between two parties in a VE, namely, the owner and the partner(s). We first consider the case of a single partner of VE with symmetric information or asymmetric information and then the case of multiple partners. We also build a model for the optimal contract of the risk allocation based on the principal-agent theory and analyze it through specific example. At last we consider the case of multiple principal with potentially many partners based on common agency.

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Huang, M. , Chen, G. , Ching, W. and Siu, T. (2010) Principal-Agent Theory Based Risk Allocation Model for Virtual Enterprise. Journal of Service Science and Management, 3, 241-249. doi: 10.4236/jssm.2010.32030.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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