An Integral Representation of a Family of Slit Mappings ()
We consider a normalized family F of analytic functions f, whose common domain is the complement of a closed ray in the complex plane. If f(z) is real when z is real and the range of f does not intersect the nonpositive real axis, then f can be reproduced by integrating the biquadratic kernel against a probability measure u(t) . It is shown that while this integral representation does not characterize the family F, it applies to a large class of functions, including a collection of functions which multiply the Hardy space Hp into itself.
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A. Cartier and M. Sterner, "An Integral Representation of a Family of Slit Mappings,"
Advances in Pure Mathematics, Vol. 2 No. 3, 2012, pp. 200-202. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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