Investigation of airborne fungi at different altitudes in Shenzhen University
Li Li, Chao Lei, Zhi-Gang Liu
DOI: 10.4236/ns.2010.25063   PDF    HTML     6,185 Downloads   12,037 Views   Citations


Aim: To investigate the richness of species or genera of airborne fungi, the amount of airborne fungi, and its seasonal variation at different al-titudes in Shenzhen University. The effect of meteorological factors on airborne fungi was also analyzed. Methods: Slide-exposure me- thod and open-plate method were used. Results: There were 27 genera or species of fungus spores identified. Among the identified fungal genus, Cladosporium, Ustilago, Alternaria, Helminth-sporium and Uredinales were more prevalent. There were 18 genera of fungi colonies identified. Among which Penicillium, non-sporulating fungi, Aspergillus, Saccharomyces and Cladosporium were more common. The airborne fungal spores were present in the atmosphere of Shenzhen University all year round. The peaks of airborne spores appeared during April and October, while the lowest numbers were observed during January, July and December from March 2005-Febrary 2006. The highest volumes of fungi colonies were observed during April, October and September, while the lowest numbers were de-tected during in January, July and December or May from March 2005-Febrary 2006. The meteoro-logical factors had no relationship between the total monthly spore count at 10 and 30 meter height. At 70 meter, the total spores count was negatively correlated with solar radiation. Conclusions: Most of the fungi spores decreased along with the increase of altitudes.

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Li, L. , Lei, C. and Liu, Z. (2010) Investigation of airborne fungi at different altitudes in Shenzhen University. Natural Science, 2, 506-514. doi: 10.4236/ns.2010.25063.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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